Eighth Annual Workshop - 2016 - Tokyo
The Eighth Annual Workshop of the 5 University Collaboration on East Asian Security Conflict and Cooperation was hosted by the University of Tokyo on December 2-3, 2016. The program can be accessed below.
Seventh Annual Workshop - 2015 - Beijing
The Seventh Annual Workshop of the 5 University Collaboration on East Asian Security Conflict and Cooperation was hosted by Peking University on December 4-5, 2015. The program can be accessed below.
Sixth Annual Workshop - 2014 - Princeton
The Sixth Annual Workshop of the 5 University Collaboration on East Asian Security Conflict and Cooperation was hosted by Princeton University on December 11-13, 2014. A synopsis of the conference proceedings can be found below as well as the agenda and list of participants.
Workshop Synopsis
Participant List and Biographies
Fifth Annual Workshop - 2013 - Singapore
The fifth Annual Five University Collaboration Workshop was hosted by the National University of Singapore on December 13-14, 2013. The program is available below.
Fourth Annual Workshop - 2012 - Seoul
The fourth annual workshop of the Five University partnership was hosted by Korea University and had the theme, "Towards a New Equilibrium of Regional Order in the Asia-Pacific." The workshop took place in Seoul on December 7-8, 2012 and the program is available below.
Third Annual Workshop - 2011 - Tokyo
The University of Tokyo hosted the third annual workshop of the Five University Collaboration on December 9-10, 2011 in Tokyo. The workshop agenda is available below.
Second Annual Workshop - 2010 - Beijing
The second annual workshop of the Five University Collaboration on East Asia Security was hosted by Peking University in Beijing on December 10-11, 2010. The theme of the workshop was "The Asia-Pacific Order and U.S. China Relations" and the agenda and workshop synopsis can be accessed below.
Inaugural Workshop - 2009 - Princeton
The inaugural workshop of the Five University Collaboration was hosted by Princeton University on December 11-12, 2009. The agenda, participant list and biographies are available below.