2022 CISS D.C. Career Networking Trip

Feb 18, 2022


Event Description

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 CISS D.C. Career Networking Trip.

This year’s trip will take place on Friday, February 18th and it will be IN-PERSON!

All travel related expenses will be covered as well as breakfast and lunch. All undergraduate students will board a return train to Princeton around 4PM. Graduate students will have the option of being reimbursed for a return ticket at a later time. 

We will be visiting Congressional staffers, holding a panel with think-tank experts, and a panel with U.S. government officials to expose students to a wide variety of national security career options.  

Due to COVID restrictions at our venues, we are limited to 20 participants. We are committed to bringing a wide assortment of students (undergrad, grad student, and PhD) on the trip. 

Please fill out the Google Form below to express your interest in participating. Thank you 

-CISS D.C. Trip Team


There is a mandatory pre-trip meeting on Monday, February 14 at 4:30 PM.