Lessons From the War in Ukraine

CISS Annual Conference
Feb 9, 2023, 4:30 pm4:30 pm


Event Description

CISS' Annual Conference, Spring 2023

Nearly a year after the initial invasion, the ongoing war in Ukraine shatters multiple assumptions about the post-Cold War era and demands a thorough reflection on the lessons for years to come. The conflict of attrition between two asymmetric forces challenges our prior understanding of technological superiority in determining war outcomes while highlighting the importance of direct and indirect foreign military assistance. It also underscores non-kinetic aspects of war – economic weapons, information warfare, intelligence – as much as actual combat on the battlefield. More importantly, this war leaves the future of international security in great uncertainty. Will the energy crisis and economic sanctions rewire the global supply chain? Whether this conflict escalates into a nuclear war or not, what will the future global nuclear order look like? Can there be major power cooperation on arms control and nonproliferation? What are the takeaways from this war on a potential great power conflict in the Indo-Pacific? Will the liberal international order ever be the same in the future? 

This conference will bring together diverse scholars and practitioners to discuss ways the war has confirmed or changed our understanding of great power wars. Our panelists include policy analysts, former government officials, university professors with expertise in geopolitics, warfighting, technology, economics, energy and nuclear politics. Such a diverse array of subjects touches on issues relevant to international relations scholars as well as practitioners and analysts concerned with the future of American foreign policymaking. The conference is open to the public and will be live streamed. 

The conference is hosted by Princeton University’s Center for International Security Studies (CISS). CISS provides the Princeton community a forum for the debate of national and international security issues. Through classes, lectures, simulations, staff rides, and research efforts, the Center seeks to generate new knowledge and educate the next generation of strategic thinkers and decision-makers.


Main Conference Poster
Conference keynote
Conference picture

Recording of the keynote address: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L8oRV5D1DCDnj_-BAsFbZf3V7b3GcACK/view?usp=sharing