Taiwanese Military Perspectives on Cross-Straits Relations

Nov 3, 2022, 4:30 pm6:00 pm
Robertson Hall Bowl 001



Event Description

Please come and join us today for a panel conversation on cross-strait relations and the trilateral security relationship between the United States, the People’s Republic of China, and Taiwan (Republic of China). Active-duty Taiwanese military personnel will introduce with a presentation on cross-straits relations and the Fourth Straits Crisis this past summer from their perspective. Discussion will be started by a MIL101 panelist and then opened up to the audience. Come with questions on the Taiwanese military and security!

Speaker Panel


Yu-Ching Wang is a graduate of the ROCMA (Republic of China Military Academy) and is about to finish his degree studying at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. Having attended Taiwanese special forces basic training, he is also an intelligence and security studies major with a counterterrorism concentration and will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant Armor Officer in the Republic of China Army.

Hao-Pin Chou is a graduate of the ROCAFA (Republic of China Air Force Academy) and is currently studying at The Citadel. He is a business administration major and will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Republic of China Air Force.

Hsiao-Wei Chen is the daughter of a defense attaché who has served in posts at Taiwanese diplomatic posts around the world, including the United States and India. She is a political science major, focusing on international and military affairs, and will join the Air Force as a military diplomat.

Po-Shuo Hung is a graduate of the ROCMA (Republic of China Military Academy) and is currently studying at The Citadel. He is a business management major and will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant Artillery Officer in the Republic of China Army.


Center for International Security Studies