Apply to be a CISS fellow, 2022-2023

April 9, 2022

The Center for International Security Studies (CISS), Princeton's home for the study of national and international security, invites students of all backgrounds to apply for the 2022-2023 CISS Student Fellows Program. We welcome returning students of all interests and class years, undergraduate and graduate, to apply.

Open House: Join us at Shultz Cafe (Robertson) from 4:30pm to 5:30pm on Thursday, April 14th to learn about the Center and the fellowship program from current fellows. Desserts and beverages will be served. 

Applications are due Sunday, April 17 at 11:59PM and selections will be announced no later than April 25. 

Application link:

CISS Student Fellowships are a significant leadership, professional, and academic opportunity. Once selected, fellows are assigned to help lead one of CISS's major programs. These include:

  • Gettysburg & International Staff Rides - The bi-annual CISS-sponsored trips to the Gettysburg battlefield and an international location to follow a major military campaign
  • Simulations - Crisis simulation/ wargame featuring participants from West Point, the Naval Academy, Rutgers, and other partner institutions
  • Communications/Website - Event advertising, email management, and website design
  • Policy Speaker Series - Presentations and discussions from policy makers
  • Academic Colloquium - Talks by leading security studies scholars from around the world
  • Career Series - Talks from individuals currently serving in a wide range of security positions discussing their career paths and career opportunities
  • DC-Trip - Our annual trip to Washington, DC for visits to various government departments and think tanks
  • MIL101 - "Military 101" presentations about various aspects of the military

CISS Student Fellows enjoy priority access to all CISS events, including the international staff ride and after-event dinners at Prospect House and Agricola (conditional on satisfactory performance of duties). CISS Student Fellows interact extensively with Princeton faculty and non-Princeton experts and practitioners, providing the opportunity to build a professional network in the security studies field.

In exchange for these opportunities, fellows are expected to manage their assigned program in a professional manner and participate regularly in CISS events. The time commitment required to be a fellow is typically a few hours per month (though for teams coordinating one  major event, namely the staff rides, simulations, DC trip, fellows' work may be concentrated with 10+ hours in the week or two preceding the event). Fellows work with each other, the program coordinator, and the student director in a collaborative, flat, and often informal decision-making structure that emphasizes creativity, flexibility, and teamwork.

Selection Criteria:
Fellows are selected based on their demonstrated interest in security studies, past participation in CISS events, experience with event planning, and the ability to commit to managing events in the upcoming year. Undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and years are welcome to apply. 

For more information, visit
For more questions and more information, e-mail [email protected].